
The Four Courts, Dublin, Ireland, has been the centre of the Irish legal system for over 225 years. The building takes its name from the old superior courts of Chancery, King’s Bench, Equity and Common Law, which it was originally built to house. Although these four courts were subsequently merged into a single court, the High Court, the name still lives on today.

Comprehensively destroyed during the Irish Civil War of 1922, the Four Courts was reconstructed in the 1930s along the same structural lines as the original building. It has remained in place since.

This site, curated by Irish barrister and law lecturer Ruth Cannon BL, uses old newspaper articles and historical images to bring the reader back in time to the Four Courts of days gone by.

Posts on the site are divided into the following categories:

Interesting historical events which took place in the Four Courts

Interesting historical and other events which took place in the Four Courts

The Four Courts building

Judges, barristers and other persons working in the Four Courts

Intriguing Irish trials and litigants in the Four Courts and elsewhere

History of the neighbourhood in which the Four Courts is located

A short guide to the sources used in compiling the posts is available here.

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